
Control your load prioritization in React

Let’s start talking about the idea behind bundle splitting in React , it is pretty simple as handling multiple bundles that can be dynamically loaded on demand at runtime. Basically, you should start:

  • Importing all your dynamic imports as regular components with React.lazy
  • Rendering all your lazy components inside a Suspense component.
1. React.lazy()
2. Suspense

The outcome is pretty awesome too. You will end up with smaller bundles thanks to this control resource load prioritization approach, which generally give you a major impact on your React App load time.

Complete code

import React, { Suspense, lazy } from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import { Router, Switch, Route } from "react-router-dom";

import { ErrorHandler } from "context/ErrorHandler";
import { Progress } from "components";

// Route Components
const routes = [
    exact: true,
    path: "/",
    component: lazy(() => import("components/States/States")),
    exact: true,
    path: "/:stateId/counties",
    component: lazy(() => import("components/Counties/Counties")),
    component: lazy(() => import("components/ErrorPage/ErrorPage")),

const Routes = ({ history, Layout }) => (
    <Suspense fallback={<Progress />}>
      <Router history={history}>
          <Layout.Toolbar />
            {, i) => (
              <Route key={i} {...route} />

Routes.propTypes = {
  history: PropTypes.object,
  Layout: PropTypes.any,

export default Routes;